Monday, January 19, 2009

The Greatest Critic

The narratives are particularly long and often seem to loose relevance towards the end of the sentence. It appears that the author has taken a particular liking to using words as and when they pop up in his mind. Its forced use in a sentence where it has no relevance can be quite excruciating to the reader. This is perhaps the first of the many follies that has prevented the author from being popular. Further, all of his writings being lengthy proses do not lend itself to a generation that finds its calling in more pictorial representations of a message.

It is very evident that the author is hardly well read. I cannot see his book collection extending beyond Sherlock Holmes, a few comics and some well meant but hardly read inspirational books. If it was not the case, there would be interesting anecdotes that could have interjected his miserable ramblings. There are even the sporadic smileys as if telling the reader that the sentence that was just read was supposed to be funny. At any rate, a book like "Kamsin Kali" will no doubt enjoy a better audience than his writings will ever attract.

There is almost an exasperating attempt on the part of the writer to spread optimism. While the intent is good, the repetition is alarmingly diabetic. The author appears to be trying to tell the world that he is one of the most positive guys in the world. His life has had his share of tribulations but he always has had his chin up. One reading may pass, but repeating the same message through various stories kills the goose. Talking about stories, it is a trial to read through some of them. The best way to get a person to read a story is to make the beginning very compelling. The only thing compelling about these writings is the urge to click the mouse out of the screen. I suspect that the only readers of this writing would be those who either patronize his non-existent talent or stumbled on to it and were consigned to read it because there was nothing else to do.

Often times, a gist of the writer can be found in the confines of his literature. However, the author cleverly (in this case, knowing his abilities, Inadvertently) hides his own true self. All stories are attempted to be as generic as possible. Thus leaving little clues about his own self. I am completely certain that the author is a very boring person and possibly aimless. One of his pieces of literature has his photograph and it more than confirms my suspicion. There has been an attempt to try and write about too many things. This is a clear evidence of a very unstable mind with extremely low levels of concentration. There is hardly any continuity to this thoughts. This robs the writings of those few readers expecting something from the author. Guess with literary abilities like his own, I can understand that there is hardly anything that the few readers can look forward to.

His sense of humour is a damp squib. Clearly the author chooses some kind of physical activity in every story to try and even get a smile to the readers lips. Subtle humour is unknown to him. Apparently thinking that by laughing at himself, others will also have a laugh. Little does he know that they only smile thinking - how true.... He is very ugly indeed or like - How true..... he is one of the most dim witted people I know... and so on and so forth.... He has taken self pity to an all new level. So low that only he can be there. All the best to him.

Funnily enough there are some comments here and there. I found this very interesting. For a time I really thought he himself posts them, but the fact there are so few of them means that there were actually from readers! Gosh! I truly pity them. I am sure that each one of them has been only a one time reader of his writings. If this site were to have a visitor count, it would get into double figures after the machines take over the humans Ala The Terminator. So quite some way I would imagine.

I would say that there has been a terrible misuse of technology and it must be stopped before the faith in blogging evaporates. All due to the indulgence of an outright amateur with skills lesser than those possessed by young children who have just learnt how to write. I urge you to visit this site to see and understand for yourself how this mischief monger continues to linger like a bad smell from the loo, long after the task has been done!

Site -

Critiqued by - Karthik Krishnamurthy

:) - You are your own best critic :)


Anonymous said...

Ofcourse your blogs are read often.

Anonymous said...

You tend to critic yourself too often. Cut yourself some slack. You are a great writer and am sure anyone who knows about this blog would like to read it.

Yes, we read your blogs even though we may not comment on all of them.

Roy said...

KK, your blogs are one of the things i look forward to ... Great going KK.. Looking forward to many more :)