Friday, February 03, 2012

Life's Trinkets

The year has been an enjoyable celebration of life, meeting new people and experiencing new things so far. In betwixt all these, there have been subtle warnings about how life is still precariously close to a downward spiral after the brakes have been removed. It is not easy to comprehend such extremes of life's lessons in a such short duration. Even if I did comprehend some of it, I have taken action on none so far. 

A lot of people I have met this new year have come from different backgrounds and lead lives that are aspirational and decidedly plush. You seek such a life and dream that you were in it. You think of all the wonderful gatherings you would be invited to. You think of the little yarns that you would spin at the table. The room would be regaled by your wit and charm. All would seek your attention while you strengthen your own. And then you meet more people. Your life changes further still. The fancy drink that friends discussed in the backyard is a luxury no more. Now you want that every time you get home from a hard day's work. And then just like that your reverie is broken. You realize that it is indeed aspirational. But life gave you a little trinket of a memory. An experience to meet such people and aspire.

I keep seeing a hoarding near my work place, It reads - "Those who work never make money and Those who make money never work". The hoarding is pretty dusted and it asks you to call this person who can tell you how to do the latter. Pangs of disappointment hit me when I sometimes bracket myself in the first category, and then wonder about the kind of people in the second type. Is this hoarding really telling the truth? Is that how it really works. I have not gotten around to solving this cryptic piece of modern Hieroglyphics, but the day I will, I will let us all know. However, this interesting experience has left me wondering each and everyday am I doing what I really love. Very aspirational question, but for me more importantly, am I making enough money?

I am attempting to do some course corrections to my career, but I have a compass that does not work. The night sky is starless and I wake up only at noon and stay sane for an hour. The wind sets the sails by its whims, and I flow along, playing each tide sent my way. It does not sound like an ideal way to be a sailor of life. But at least I am not being pirated!

Another precious life's trinket.

A man is nothing but a bundle of experiences, said someone. Very true. Each experience is like a trinket, showy and seems like mere trifle when you pass through it. Many times later when you are rummaging the closet of your life, you look at them and think, I could have had a larger and more expensive closet you know....

May you know better times and may you get many trinkets along the way!