Attempts have been encouraging so far. I have written a note to some of my old colleagues from another age. I have managed to remember most of them that need to be on that list. One of them has responded, the others presumably have marked mails from me as junk. Considering it is coming from a reformed man, this is valuable junk! Pray! Treasure it, not sure how long this resolve will last.
My other aspiration-al pursuits for the new calendar include slimming down, raising my chances of getting into clothes that revolt at my very sight. Considering that the revolting population has increased in my wardrobe, it is a problem that I cannot slither out of. I have never been a coveted possession, but my chances of being glanced at has waned faster than the moon at dawn. There is little inspiration to this aspiration except that I may be better blessed with health. It remains to be seen if this can be achieved. I have not courted hardwork too well in the past.
There are other pending tasks that have been wailing for attention. I have often stuck a candy in their mouths to appease them occasionally. But those have melted and the heat pricks again. Before the wailing reaches disproportionate levels, I will attempt to trim that mountain to size. Perhaps my endeavors may make passable reading.
Everything starts from the abyss, the flight from there will be without tethers!