There are about a million opinions on this topic. Each as varied as the other and yet echoing similar sentiments. Profiling a workplace is a task laced with peril and must be undertaken under the strict supervision of an unbiased and mature mental state of mind. The point being that while you draw inferences about things around you, you conveniently forget yourself.
Ofcourse you can try to paint yourself to be the very cornerstone of austerity and dignity or you can be honest about your abilities to bitch about one and everyone. The choice is yours and there is no need to feel bad about either. We need characters in this story called life. If all were virtuous, the dictionary would suffer a great loss called - Adventure.
A good writer writes about the times he lives in. There is a saying that compliments this behavior - "Hit the iron when it is hot"( or something to that effect). He derives mileage by doing so. When you write about a topic that has been recently discussed, you advertise your efforts well. It is to that extent that I will extend my liberties and try to improve upon my frail abilities as a documenter.
Of these insignificant and unflattering performances with different enterprises, I have spent the most in one, counting upto five and some half. Its there that our rigmarole of human classification at a workplace starts. Ofcourse all characters will not be named and all inferences on your part are to be done on your own accord. I will humbly subside from taking all responsibilities arising and occurring out of reactions to this simple monograph.
He/She is the silent one. Has only one friend and three acquaintances. Is never seen in public ceremonies and loathes cultural performances demanding profound reflexes of the human body. The supervisor rarely acknowledges his/her presence and never misses his/her absence. Timing is of the utmost importance to this person. May come in late at times much to the agony of the co-workers, but always leaves on time compounding the agony further. This person only gets calls from one person in the day and during the days off. More often than not, it’s either home or his/her only friend. If you hear them talking, it would be about the same topic that they were talking a week ago. A peculiar characteristic of this kind of demography at the workplace is that they never seem to progress beyond the yearly increase to their wages.
Are they good? Are they bad? Do we need them? They do their work. They rarely complain. They are not too ambitious, at least on the face of it. They don’t backbite. Plainly, they are not even interested with anyone else. I wont answer it.. take your time and answer it yourself.
He/She is often the court jester! Bringing much needed relief to the team. Often at the high end of their vocal thresholds. Their humor is often physical but mostly harmless. Their activities involve from making distorted faces to pulling out network wires, to extremely perfect imitations of more sober colleagues. They are friends of everyone and yet may not have a friend for life. He/She will get many calls but important ones may be none. They often hide their ambitions behind their loud humor. Often turn out uncontrollably bitchy. People will smile at this person and will only remember him/her for the office party of the year. Project of the year may not list this person on the credit roll.
Are they good? Are they bad? Do we need them? They are a curious mix of virtues and vices. Which side the balance tilts is very opiniated, and therefore inclusive to me. What about you?
Then there is the mixed fruit jam. This person tastes differently to different people. They smile and they can sulk. They have many friends and a few close ones. They are mostly introverts by nature but can muster up courage for a public performance. They have pockets of comfort zones and moments of brilliance. They may grow in their roles or stay put on one for a long time until luck changes it for the worst or better. They are often termed dependable and mostly are known for their positive qualities. Creativity and attention to details are admirable qualities of these individuals. Lack of ambition may sometimes be a inconsolable folly.
Are they good? Are they bad? Do we need them?
This Jam is a good spread until it spreads too much. How much you want on your bread is your call..
They might claim to have known about gravity and relativity much before than Isaac or Albert did. They often chew gum and after a month at work, resent it in public. They seek attention and will bully new comers with their exaggerated knowledge of the work. They will help you discover failings in the supervisor and co-workers that never may have existed. They will also think that the chair in the cabin is as much theirs as it is of the manager. They would have received a few awards for the brilliance they once had and many bitchy tales of the attitude that they now display. Their resumes are released in most job sites with the regularity of a cinema release at the box office. They might grow in their roles or succumb to their negative tones.
Are they good? Are they bad? Do we need them?
I sometimes feel that they lend themselves to the balance of the workplace. They either fuel a healthy competition or change themselves over the years to sober into a more efficient machine whose abilities are chronicled with great imagination. What do you chose competition or imagination?
A Banyan tree in a rustic village square would be more apt for this person. He is almost troubled deeply that he has to move his fingers to drink the glass of water in front of him. The only muscle he is pleased to work is his jaw. Their ramblings can range from politics to domestic chores to land rates in prime areas. Often directionless on their own, they will follow the compass of another man's drive. They would only be too glad to shed their workload to other more enterprising colleagues. They are remembered for the great tales that they had spun on a lazy day at work. And also for the embarrassing errors that they may have committed on an important errand. Often their exit from the system is quick and non negotiable. They somehow manage to leave with no bitter taste on any tongue.
Are they good? Are they bad? Do we need them?
They are like camels at a horse race. They may not be the stars of the show but they sure can transport people around the arena. How you mould these camels to do your bidding can be a great learning to our developing minds.
There are many more facets and personalities that a mere blog can never do justice to. I too may be in one of the categories that I have ventured to dissect. Who am I to pass these judgmental and biased opinions? I don’t know..
Will you identify yourself with any of the characters mentioned above? May be.. Would you know people who suit the characteristics mentioned above? Almost yes... That itself is an interesting question...
Isn't it easy to judge a person into a category and at the same time try not to fit ourselves into one, because of some of the demerits mentioned for each? More often than not we will subscribe our character to the best possible fit. Is it a folly? Not at all.. After all a half filled glass is better than a half empty one...
Are you thinking yet??